Piraty Ola WayOla and Lillian(8 🏴‍☠️👸)Log InGet started

Pirate Dev-life Podcast

Pirate Dev-life

Since it'll soon not be cool, I'll try my hand at another podcast. Third time's the charm, don't they say? This time I'll go on a rum-fueled treasure hunt for devs who put Pirate back into dev-life.

Pirate dev-life, podcast. Our rum fueled Treasure Hunt for devs who put Pirate back into dev-life.

My First Guest is a Dev?

Well, well fellow pirate-devs! One day into this podcasting thing, your boy got himself his first guest! And surprise, surprise! It's a dev!

One of my first questions was "So, do you even code?" Just kidding it was "So, do you still code?" The answer was "Yup, I said no to any management stuff. I wouldn't feel productive doing managment stuff."

What's NOT to love about that answer!?

Working on invitation emails today

Dear dev, I'd love to have you on my piraty podcast because ....

it sounds like you've decided to live more and work less. I'm keen on hearing what you've found out about living YOUR life.

My mission with this podcast is to help devs put Pirate into their lives by showing them fellow devs who have taken determined steps to come closer to a pirate-life. By either ridding their lives of unpiraty parts, or adding piraty parts to their life

Expect an invitation to drop into your mailbox the next handful of years

© Lillian (7 🏴‍☠️👸) and Cap'n Ola Vea (43 🏴‍☠️⛵) and their cheerful crew of skill-builder pirates 1554 - 2023